What Lord Shiva likes .. ? भगवान शिव को क्या क्या प्रिय है ?

Nataraj Shiva
Whenever we visit temples for puja, we try our best to offer those things to our God what they like most so that He may be pleased and do us favors. Shiva bhaktas (followers of Lord Shiva) nowadays offer so many things that new bhaktas may be confused about what offerings are more important. So I am trying my best to explain it according to my knowledge.

1. श्रद्धा और विश्वास (reverence and faith) - As in every puja reverence and faith is the first and foremost thing, Shiva -Upasana too requires reverence and faith in Shiva first. Otherwise whatever you offer for the fulfillment of your wish, has not much importance. Tulsidas in Ram_Charit_Manas has pointed to it in the very beginning. He says -
भावनीशंकरौ वन्द्ये श्रद्धा विश्वास रूपिणौ ,
याभ्याम् विना ना पश्यन्ति सिद्धा: स्वांतस्थमीश्वरम् ।
( BhawaniShankaro Vandye shraddha Vishwas Rupino, Yabhyam vina na Pashyanti Siddhah Swantasthamishwaram - We pray Parwati - Shiva who are like reverence and faith, without which even great hermits can not find GOD who is inside his heart.)
It is so important that if you bring Him into your imagination (Dhyan) and pray, Shiva will be pleased.
2. हिम जल स्नान - Pouring of cold (शीतल) water. Shiva had taken the deadly venom (हलाहल) that emerged from the churning of the ocean (समुद्र मंथन ) and put it under his throat, it produced a lot of heat and his body got heated. Since then cold water is poured over him so that God may feel good. Some people make it a routine that every morning after taking bath they go to the nearby temple and simply pour a 'Lota' of water over Shivlinga. It is called Jalabhishek.
Since coconut water is cold hence it is also offered. The importance of cold water increases many times if it happens to be Holy Ganga Water (गंगाजल). When Ganga came down to earth from heaven, God Shiva gave her a place in His tress to slow down its velocity. The flower of Dhruva has also equivalent importance as Holy Ganga Water (गंगाजल). See details in link Dhruva Flower.
The month of 'Sawan' in the Hindu calendar is also liked by 'Shiva' because the continuous rain eases the heat of venom (हलाहल) and gives him pleasure. It is also believed that the first appearance of Shivalinga was in the month of 'Sawan'.
3. त्रिपुण्ड और चन्दन (Tripund and sandalwood-water paste) - Tripund is the three horizontal lines over the forehead made with sandalwood-water paste. The Chandan is taken on tips of three middle fingers and applied horizontally on Shivalingam.
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Tripund on Shivling |
4. बिल्व पत्र (Leaf of bael or stone apple)- It is also called Bel-Patra in common Hindi language. It is very important in 'Shiva Pujan' to offer Him बिल्व पत्र. The three leaves of 'Bel-Patra' represent three eyes of 'Shiva', three 'Gunas' (Satogun, Rajogun, and Tamogun), and three weapons (त्रयायुधम् ). It has come out of the heart of Goddess Laxmi and liked very much by shiva. It kills Papam (पाप) of three Janma(जन्म). In fact, a 'Bilvastakam'(बिल्वाष्टकम् - a group of eight shlokas -Ashtak) has been composed in praise of बिल्व पत्र. The first 'shloka' of 'Bilvastakam' is recited while Bel-Patra is offered to 'Shiva'. It is thus said:-
(Tridalam Trigunakaram Trinetram cha Trayayudham, Trijanma pap Sanharam Bilvapatra Shivarpanam)त्रिदलं त्रिगुणाकारं त्रिनेत्रं च त्रयायुधम् ।त्रिजन्म पाप संहारम् बिल्वपत्रं शिवार्पणं ॥
The Bael Patra being offered should be clear, unblemished, and undamaged. Even the bael fruit (Stone apple) is offered to Bhagwan Shiva. You can read in detail about the importance of Bilva Patra by clicking this link.
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अर्क पुष्पम्, आक फूल (Crown flower) |
5. अर्क पुष्पम् (Crown flower)- The flower of 'Aak' and its garland is liked by 'Bhagwan Shiv'.It is also known by 'Madar' (मदार ) and 'Mandar' (मन्दार ). It has two varieties, one that has white and purple flowers, it is very common too. Another one has total white flowers but rarely found, it is called Swetark'(श्वेतार्क ) and more important. See details of this flower in आक के फूल link.
6. धतूरा (Datura) - It is a trumpet-shaped flower having colors from white to yellow, pink, and pale purple. Its fruit is a spiny capsule full of small seeds. Seeds are toxic in nature. Both the flowers and fruits are used in the prayer of Shiva.

दूब /दूर्वा (Doob Grass)
7. दूब (Cynodon dactylon)/दूर्वा - It is a very common grass found everywhere in India. Bunch of this grass, each of tip containing three leaves are offered to Shiva. This offering is said to be effective in destroying many bad effects of 'Navgrah'.

8. दूध (Milk) - Pouring of raw milk over Shivalinga is called Dugdh-Abhishek. After it water is also offered.
Dugdh Abhishek of Baba basukinath

9. भांग (Cannabis indica ) - Shiva also likes bhang. Bhang is an intoxicant. After Jal Abhishek, bhang is offered on Shivlinga. Next again Jalabhishek is done.
10. कनेर (Yellow oleander)- This flower is also liked by shiva. Generally, you may find a Kaner tree near the Shiva temple.
11. पंचामृत (Panchamrut) - It is a mixture of five ingredients namely - honey, Jaggery, curd-ghee-milk of a cow.
12. पंचाक्षरी मंत्र (The five lettered mantra) -जाप of पंचाक्षरी मंत्र (ॐ नमः शिवाय) is liked by Shiva.
Apart from these, Bhagwan Shiv also likes honey, paan (betel leaf), supari (betel nut), Kapoor (Camphor), Aparajita (butterfly pea flower), Juhi (Jasmine flower), Champak (magnolia flower), Dahi (curd), Ghee (Clarified butter), kheer (Rice pudding), dhoop(Incense), deep (lamp), Kela (Plantain), geet (Song), Nritya (Dance), Vaadya (Drum beating), Panchmukhi Rudraksha (Elaeocarpus ganitrus), Shivalinga flower (Couroupita Guianesis). Though some people say champak flower is not offered to shiva due to a curse from Rishi Narad, in "Shiv manas Pujanstrotram" it is clearly said
"जातीचम्पकबिल्वपत्ररचितं पुष्पं च धूपं तथा
दीपं देव दयानिधे पशुपते हृत्कल्पितं गृह्यताम्"
Of course, one flower named Ketaki is never offered to Shiva because he himself cursed this flower and banned it from being offered to him.
One more thing to be noted is that few of the things liked by Shiva (eg. bhang, Dhatura, Kaner, Aak) are toxic and intoxicating. But this has a symbolic meaning that he is even pleased with these unimportant things, only true devotion is needed. Another way of thinking maybe that Shiva accepts these things saying ''give up these intoxicating things and be a good responsible person.''
इस ब्लॉग के पोस्टों की सूची के लिए निम्नलिखित लिंक पर जाएँ:-
20. देवताओं के वैद्य अश्विनीकुमारों की अद्भुत कथा ....
(The great doctors of Gods-Ashwinikumars !). भाग - 4 (चिकित्सा के द्वारा चिकित्सा के द्वारा अंधों को दृष्टि प्रदान करना)
(The great doctors of Gods-Ashwinikumars !). भाग - 4 (चिकित्सा के द्वारा चिकित्सा के द्वारा अंधों को दृष्टि प्रदान करना)
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