Worship of God Shiva in imagination & 'Dhyana'
In our daily lives, we see Hindus worship the Gods by offering different flowers, fruits, leaves, clothes, scents (सुगन्धि) etc. "Panchopachar" (पंचोपचार- Duly offering the God five things) and "Shodashopchar" (षोडशोपचार- Duly offering the God sixteen things) worships are performed. These are detailed worships and generally, require professional priests (पंडित) and money to purchase 'Puja' things and give donations (दान). But there is another way of worshiping God which neither requires money nor priests because this worship is done in the imagination. Since this whole universe may be imagination, so our great "Rishis" and "Munis" have truly given us this method of worship in the imagination and "Dhyana".This worship is called "Manas Puja" ie worship in mind. Its result or "Punya" is no less than physical worship. In "Manas Puja", keeping the eyes closed the things to be offered to God are imagined and prayed to be accepted by God. "Manas Puja" for different gods have been composed by the great "Rishis" and "Munis".
Shiva the "Supreme God" is popular in all societies of Hindus from general to tribal. The Great Guru the "Adi Sankaracharya" has composed a very popular "Manas Puja" of Shiva that is short and lovely. It is called "Shiva Manas Puja" (शिव मानस पूजा). Reciting this prayer with full devotion and imagination (मन लगा कर ध्यानपूर्वक) is equally rewarding. It is given below:--
Ratnaih Kalpitam Aasanam Himjalaih Snanam ch Divyambaram
Nana Ratna Vibhooshitam Mrigmadamodankitam Chandanam
Jatichampakvilvapatra Rachitam Pushpam ch Dhoopam Tatha
Deepam Dev Ddayanidhe Ppashupate Hritkalpitam Grihyataam.
Sauvarne navratna khand rachite paatre ghritam paayasam
Bhakshyam panchvidham payodadhiyutam rambha phalam panakam
Shakanamyutam jalam ruchikaram karpur khandojjwalam
Tambulam mansa maya virachitam bhaktya prabho sweekuru.
Chhatram chamaryoryugam vyajanakam chadarshakam nirmalam
Veena bheri mridang kahalkala geetam ch nrityam tatha
Sashtangam pranati stutirbahuvidha hyetat samastam maya
Sankalpen samarpitam tav vibho pujam grihana prabho.
Aatma wam Girija matih sahacharah pranah shariram griham
Puja te vishayopbhograchana nidra samadhirsthitih
Sancharah padyoh pradakshinavidhih stotrani sarvagirau
Yadyat karma karomi tat tad akhilam Shambho tavaaraadhanam.
Karcharankritam Vakkayajam Karmajam Wa
Shrawan Nayanjam Wa Manasam Waapraadham
Vihitamavihitam Wa Sarvametat Kshamaswa
Jay Jay Karunabdhe Srimahadev Shambho.
(O God! O Kind one! O Master of animals! Please accept these:- the throne made of jewels, the cold water bath, the divine cloth studded with different jewels, the sandalwood paste mixed with musk scent, the handful of jasmine-Champa flowers with bael leaves, incense and lamp- I have imagined them in my heart.
Full of devotion I have mentally made rice-milk pudding with clarified butter in a golden pot studded with new jewel pieces, five types of dishes made with milk and curd, bananas, sweet drinks, clean tasty water scented with many vegetation along with camphor, and betel leaves. O, God! Please accept these.
With my very determination, I offer you an umbrella, two crests(चँवर), a fan, a clean mirror, Veena(वीणा), Mrudang(मृदंग), playing instrument Dundubhi(दुन्दुभी), song and dance, prostrate(साष्टांग प्रणाम) and prayers in many ways. O, God! Please accept these.
O Shambho! You are my spirit, mother Parvati is my wisdom, your troop is my life(प्राण), my body is tour temple, my involvement in materialistic things is your worship, my sleep is the state of trance, my movement is your circum-ambulation and all my words are your prayers. Thus whatever karma I do is all your worship.
My sins through my hands, feet, speech, karma, hearing, seeing, or thinking - be they obvious or hidden- please forgive all of them, O sea of pity! O Mahadeva Shambho! Hail to You! Hail to You!)
Shiva Manas Puja in Sanskrit is also written below:--
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शिवमानसपूजा -Shiva Manas Puja |
The last stanza "Karcharankritam ......" is a prayer for asking forgiveness to different types of sins from Shiva. This shloka is recited on the completion of any "Shiva Pujan" just like this shloka:--
पापोSहं पापकर्माहं पापात्मा पापसम्भवः
त्राहिमाम बाबा भोलेनाथ सर्वपाप हरोहरः।
(Papoahan Papakarmahan Papatma Papasambhavah
Trahimam Baba Bholenath Sarva Paap Haroharah )
Bholenath in this shloka is replaceable by His particular name where worship is being performed. Example- Basukinath, Baidyanath, Somnath, Vishwanath, and so on.
20. देवताओं के वैद्य अश्विनीकुमारों की अद्भुत कथा ....
(The great doctors of Gods-Ashwinikumars !). भाग - 4 (चिकित्सा के द्वारा चिकित्सा के द्वारा अंधों को दृष्टि प्रदान करना)
(The great doctors of Gods-Ashwinikumars !). भाग - 4 (चिकित्सा के द्वारा चिकित्सा के द्वारा अंधों को दृष्टि प्रदान करना)
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